What was baby’s favourite gift this Christmas?

Posted by Diana on Monday Dec 27, 2010 Under Baby presents, Baby Toys

After baby has chewed, scrunched and unwrapped all the Christmas paper from the presents – we all await the response from baby to the opened gift.

At our place, three toys stood out, once unveiled from the Christmas paper. The first stand out toy was recieved from one set of Grandparents on Christmas Eve and is called the Soothe & Glow Seahorse by Fisher Price. The tummy of the Seahorse lights up when pressed and makes soothing aquatic noises (very different to the disruptive digestive noises which my tummy tends to make after eating my filling dinner on Christmas Eve)!

The second standout toy was received on Christmas Day from Grandparents too. It is called the Light’n Learn Caterpillar and is made by Vtech UK. This caterpillar has a big smile and three large buttons marked with A, B and C. When baby taps the buttons with hands or feet – she is rewarded with a song about the alphabet, colours and shapes. This present is getting lots of smiles from baby!

The third stand out toy is from Lamaze and is called Sir Prancelot. A knight riding a horse which already has acquired a personality which baby adores – a posh speaking medieval hero who charges forward with swift gallantry.

So all in all it has been a rewarding first Christmas for baby! What was your baby’s favourite gift this Christmas?    

2 Responses to “What was baby’s favourite gift this Christmas?”

  1. Aaron Says:

    Baby was delighted to play some pieces on her new piano made by ‘Imaginarium’ given to her by her grandparents.

  2. Sarah + Ruby Says:

    The biggest hits in our house were:
    Rolling shapesorter (PLAN Toys, I think) (more rolling than shapesorting at 6 months, but at least I know it’ll have a long life!)
    A skwish by Manhattan Toys.
    And, *sigh*, three ‘That’s Not My…’ books are firm favourites over the more, ahem, classic children’s literature that was also under the tree. I’m learning to love them 😉