Baby is a crawler

Posted by Diana on Wednesday Jan 12, 2011 Under Baby Activities, Babyproofing

Baby’s movement has progressed from rocking side to side, to her first roll, to lying on her tummy resting on her forearms, to finally placing a hand in front of each knee and successfully crawling. Yes, we have a crawler in the house!

To encourage this new skill, I am placing a toy in front of baby and watching her try to reach the toys with whatever movement she can muster. At first there was a combination of commando rolls and awkward crawls to reach the toy. Now, she has figured out that crawling is by far the most efficient method of travel and her speed is increasing by the day.

With this new found skill, comes the responsibility of parents to ensure a thorough ‘baby proofing’ of the house has been completed. I’ve found Kidsafe Australia to be an organisation that provides a great deal of quality information. You can visit a Kidsafe House to see everything you need to babyproof your house.

Talking of health and safety, we hope all those in Queensland and Northern NSW, who have been evacuated from flooded houses or who are currently in their houses but without electricity, stay safe over the coming weeks.

2 Responses to “Baby is a crawler”

  1. canister Says:

    Nice site btw! :-)

  2. fares Says:

    Thanks for that awesome posting :-)