Jan 15
Posted by Diana on Saturday Jan 15, 2011 Under Feeding BabyBreastfeeding…there I’ve said it.
This term can evoke so many different reactions in people, from an uncomfortable chuckle to a supportive smile.
Facebook seemed uncomfortable enough to remove the page for The Leaky Boob – an online support group where nursing mothers can discuss the demands of breastfeeding. The founder of the page was informed, “hateful, threatening, or obscene [pages] are not allowed”. The Leaky Boob has since been reinstated, with Facebook saying it was a mistake.
So why all the fuss? Isn’t breastfeeding a natural way for a mother to feed her baby?
January 15th, 2011 at 12:35 pm
I am definitely in the ‘supportive smile’ camp. I find it is often those with little exposure or experience to breastfeeding that give an uncomfortable chuckle.
January 20th, 2011 at 9:21 am
Supportive smile here also! I found that when my baby couldn’t wait another second to be fed that breastfeeding was very practical, it’s warm and sterilised already! What an amazing thing the body is! If your a bit self conscious there are breast feeding tops that cover and if you have a bit of cheese cloth draped over you and baby whilst breastfeeding then no one will see.
January 28th, 2011 at 7:34 am
Supportive smile
Feeding in public was daunting at first but with a hungry baby you quickly disregard your inhibitions and do what needs to be done, positioning a wrap carefully more for everyone else’s comfort that mine and bubs. Nice to know we have the law behind us too…
February 7th, 2011 at 9:40 pm
Hey. I am Kim Livingers, delighted to read your posts.