Boppy – Baby’s First Nest

Posted by Diana on Wednesday Dec 21, 2011 Under Feeding Baby, Newborn

I first discovered the Boppy Pillow at a Baby Expo. It’s unique hug shape caught my eye and having never used a feeding pillow before, I was keen to try the Boppy Pillow with Baby.

That evening when it was time for Baby’s last breastfeed before bedtime, I sat comfortably and put the Boppy pillow around my waist with ease. The Boppy Pillow has been designed with the ergonomics of breastfeeding for Mum and Baby in mind! To adjust the Boppy pillow – just turn it. This is great if you want more lower back support.

I could rest my arms on the pillow while securely holding Baby. It made breast feeding Baby easier, especially in those early months when the feeds were so frequent. Baby seemed supremely comfortable on the Boppy too.

As Baby has grown, the Boppy has adapted to become a little nest, a great pillow to practise “tummy time”, crawling and sitting. Baby still enjoys sitting in the Boppy as a toddler. The Boppy slip cover is 100% cotton and is removable for machine washing. The covers come in a range of funky colours and prints. If you have a serious spill, you can machine wash the whole pillow and it will never lose its shape.

I’ve found the Boppy Pillow to be incredibly versatile and can understand why Boppy is the market leader in America for nursing and baby support pillows.

Chicco has introduced the Boppy pillow to Australia. To find out more information on the Boppy Pillow visit the Chicco and Boppy World websites.

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