Punky Baby

Posted by Diana on Monday Jan 24, 2011 Under Baby grooming

During my last ultrasound the technician commented that we should expect a baby with lots of hair.

We weren’t disappointed when Baby arrived with a full head of dark spikey hair, earning her the nickname of “Punky” during our hospital stay. After comments about Baby’s abundant hair, the nurses often asked if I experienced reflux during my pregnancy and in fact I hadn’t.

I think I was the only mother who had a baby grooming kit in her hospital bag. The baby grooming kit is made by Safety 1st and includes a comb, hairbrush, scissors, emery boards, nail clippers and a toothbrush, all in a neat clear little bag.

I used the comb and hairbrush from Day 1! The scissors have been used for baby’s numerous haircuts – five in as many months. And I prefer using the emery boards for filing baby’s nails than using the nail clippers. Too many stories of parents accidentally missing the nail – ouch.

I am yet to use the toothbrush, although my Punky is displaying signs of teething – so I’ll keep you informed of her progress!

4 Responses to “Punky Baby”

  1. Michelle Svensson Says:

    Love your blogg Diana! Keep it up!

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  3. Liz Says:

    We’ve recently tried a toothbrush with our 8 month old. She actually seems quite taken with it and will even open her mouth to let me brush her few teeth (though I wonder how long this will last!). I picked up a toothbrush from the baby isle at the supermarket. Its a Wisdom brand and has a short rounded handle that makes it easy for her to hold too.

  4. Alison Says:

    I have a baby proofing kit from Safety 1st. It’s really great. I didn’t know they made baby grooming kits – I’ll check them out.