Baby’s place at the table

Posted by Diana on Tuesday Feb 8, 2011 Under Feeding Baby

After only having fed my baby breastmilk, the thought of giving ‘real’ food to Baby was a little daunting. I thought Baby was ready when she displayed an active interest in the food I was eating, her jaw would drop as she watched me place food into my mouth and then she would mimic my chewing. Another clue to Baby being ready, was her improved ability to sit upright with good control of her head and neck.

Baby was five and a half months old when she first tried rice cereal mixed with breast milk. It was a tiny quantity of rice cereal mixed with a small amount of breast milk until it had a smooth and runny consistency. I had to laugh – as it was like spoonfeeding my baby breastmilk!

I then introduced bananas which were an instant hit. The look of wonder when Baby first tried banana was unforgettable.

In those early days, I attended a ‘Foodplay’ workshop run by Embrace Holistic Services in Brisbane. The workshop encouraged me to promote healthy food preferences with Baby through play. I must admit I do get a sense of satisfaction when I see Baby happily gnawing at florets of broccoli and enjoying cucumber sticks.

I think the adage is true ‘what you put in – is what you get out’ (and I don’t just mean dirty nappies). I have an active healthy baby and I attribute that partly to her enjoyment of healthy foods. What are your baby’s favourite healthy foods?

7 Responses to “Baby’s place at the table”

  1. Kate Pearce Says:

    Great to hear that your baby loved it so much. We are running more sessions over the next few weeks for FoodPlay in Brisbane, Ipswich and the Gold Coast. Check out our website for more information or to enrol online.
    For baby reviewers we are offering a special deal where if you bring a friend you can both get in for half price!! Just fill in the bring a friend section of our online enrolment form. We would also love any cute snaps of Baby playing with food to stick on our ‘home play’ page!

    See you soon!
    The FoodPlay Team

  2. Serena Says:

    My baby’s favourite food is tuna and vegetables. He loves it and I can take it with me to feed him when we’re out.

  3. Bettina Says:

    My baby’s current favourite food is avocado.

  4. Michelle Says:

    Peaches! My baby boy at 7 months loves to munch on a whole peach (with the skin peeled and mum helping to hold it) .

  5. Emilene Says:

    Vegetables and minced lamb is a favourite of my baby.

  6. Michelle Svensson Says:

    my oldest used to get very upset if he didnt get cucumber and raw mushrooms when at the supermarket: )

  7. Karen Says:

    Thanks for the food ideas ladies! I never thought of raw mushrooms, will have to give it a go. Bub is currently munching on (squished) blueberries, but her favourite is broccoli by far.