Rverse XLR Toddler Seat and Maxi Cosi Adaptor

Posted by Diana on Wednesday Aug 8, 2012 Under Baby Travel

To accommodate both a toddler and a newborn, I’ve fitted the Toddler Seat to my bebe care Rverse XLR. It was so simple! The toddler seat snaps into place at the rear of the pram and the shopping basket area acts as the ultimate footrest, with plenty of space for my toddler to recline and stretch out.

The toddler seat can adjust to two headrest positions, reclined and upright.  The toddler seat also has a nifty canopy. To give my toddler plenty of headroom when sitting upright, a simple accessory clicks into place to raise the height of the bassinet above. It really is the prefect pram for a toddler and a baby.

Swish mudguards come with the Rverse XLR Toddler Seat for the pram’s rear wheels. As well as adding even more style to this pram, they ensure my fashionable little toddler stays clean. A five point harness keeps my toddler safely secure in her toddler seat.

The toddler seat is designed for use from birth to 16kg, so there is great longevity. My toddler is already climbing into the toddler seat and pointing out the bassinet above is for her ‘baby sister’ which is just gorgeous! The toddler seat is well constructed and the black fabric is easily maintained with a quick wipe down.

Another great accessory for the Rverse XLR is the Maxi Cosi Adaptor. The adaptor clicks into place and is fully compatible with the Maxi Cosi Car Seat Capsule. This accessory makes the transfer of a precious newborn asleep in her capsule, from the car to the stroller – seamless. The stroller can be folded without removing the bracket making life easier for everyone!

The Toddler Seat and Maxi Cosi Adaptor highlight the versatility of the bebe care Rverse XLR for accommodating two little ones. To find out more about the Rverse XLR, Toddler Seat and Maxi Cosi Adaptor visit the CNP Brands website.

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Rverse XLR – The Compact Convertible

Posted by Diana on Monday Jul 16, 2012 Under Baby Travel

If you’re looking for a pram that is a compact convertible, which will transport your baby in a swish set of wheels, from newborn through to toddlerhood – the Rverse XLR may be your vehicle. Even the name sounds sporty!

The bebe care Rverse XLR has a bassinet which converts to a fully reclinable seat by simply adjusting or loosening a strap. Plus rearward or forward facing seating options – the combinations are endless. Since it consists of two main elements, the frame with wheels and the bassinet/seat, it folds down compactly to a flat fold.

While test driving this pram, I’ve noticed the wheel suspension is fantastic and the pram provides a really smooth ride for Baby. The maneavourability is great with a full swivel on the wheels. The wheels are fully lockable, with cable linked rear brakes and a seperate release pedal. The adjustable foam handle means the pram can be driven by parents of different heights with ease.

While behind the wheel, it’s easy to check what Baby is doing, with a viewing window on the large extendable hood. You can rest assured that Baby is safely enjoying the smooth ride in the 5 point safety harness. Harness protectors are included for extra comfort too.

The Rverse XLR is a comfort mobile, with my little one falling  asleep 5 times out of 10 when taking her shopping in this pram. Whilst she sleeps, I can fill the shopping basket at the base of the pram with all my purchases – especially given the generous weight limit of 5kg for the shopping basket. With side and front access to the shopping basket, I can be sure not to disturb her blissful sleep (and my shopping expedition)! When it’s time to go home I know there is plenty of room in the boot for my compact convertible and all the shopping.

Next month I’m expecting my second baby and I’m quite excited the Rverse XLR will accommodate both my Newborn and Toddler. The Rverse XLR is compatible with popular brands of baby capsules, including the Maxi Cosi range of capsules and the Britax: Hipod, Unity, Strider, Orion and Cruiser capsules. The transition of my newborn baby in her car capsule to her pram will be seamless. The Rverse XLR includes ride on board clips for the Lascal Buggy Board. I can already envisage my toddler riding on the buggy board demonstrating her physical prowess to her newborn sister in her capsule. The Luscal Buggy Board is sold seperately, so I promise pictures and a full review of the buggy board in an upcoming post.

The bebe care Rverse XLR can also take a Toddler Seat too! Accessories such as the Adaptors for the Baby Capsule, Adaptors for the Toddler Seat and Toddler Seat itself are available for purchase separately. More information about the full range of bebe care products, Rverse XLR and Accessories, can be found on the CNP Brands website.

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Wee Make Music

Posted by Diana on Thursday Jun 28, 2012 Under Baby Activities

From an early age Baby has loved listening to music, singing, dancing, playing tambourines, drums, xylophones, the keyboard and harmonica. When she was 18 months old, I thought she would benefit from a music class where she could extend her creativity by playing new instruments, singing and dancing. I discovered Wee Make Music – music and movement classes for babies from 3 months old to 5 year olds held in the Brisbane suburbs of New Farm and Bulimba.

I was interested in finding out more about the Wee Make Music curriculum which features a wide range of instruments for Baby to play, plus singing, movement, storytelling / listening, mime, imaginative play / improvisation, group dance, puppetry and musical interpretation.

Both Baby and I were excited to be attending our first music class and were warmly welcomed by Miss Louise who is both a teacher and owner of Wee Make Music. We were seated in a circle with other children and parents before the music class started with a welcome song introducing all the children by their first names. The first musical principle taught to the children was to keep a steady beat by patting their hands on their knees. Miss Louise explained the term ‘steady beat and that it is the building block for any musical pattern and rhythms. First and foremost children need to learn to hear and keep a steady beat’. As the steady beat gets faster and slower the children are introduced to the concept of changing tempos. I was already impressed and we had just sung the welcome song!

Then it was time for Baby’s favourite new instrument the triangle. Miss Louise explained the best technique for holding and playing the triangle. After some practice strikes with the triangle’s striker, it was time for the children to play their instrument to some real music which featured a ‘fire fighter’ theme. All the children were given a plastic fire helmet to complete their ‘fire fighter’ look, then encouraged to mime and dance to the song while playing their triangle. The children enjoyed every minute of this activity, which featured elements of dance, improvisation, story telling, mime, movement and music.

The next instrument introduced to the children was a drum with a colourful rainbow mallet. After playing the drum to a new song, it was time to learn the next instrument the finger cymbals. There is quite a technique to holding and playing the finger cymbals.  The children are taught to hold a finger cymbal by pinching the string of the finger cymbal with their thumb and index finger. They then gently lower and raise each each hand, so the two cymbals play against each other making sweet music. It sounds much more controlled than a toddler’s first instinct – to crash the cymbals together like a toy monkey! Baby seemed to enjoy learning three new instruments already and we were only part way through the class.

The next song included playing both the finger cymbals and the drum. It presented a challenge for the children and taught them not only rhythm but coordination. It was then time for some tickle rhymes which created great interaction between the children and their parent as some favourite nursery rhymes were recited.

The experience was completed with a circle dance, then a partner dance with parent and child. There was a guest appearance by a puppet rabbit, who needed to be convinced to come out of his magic hat with the magic worlds sang by each child “Please” before “Good Bye”. It was then time for a quiet lullaby before the “Good Bye” song was sung to all the children.

For their participation the children are rewarded with ink stamps on their hands. All up it’s been a busy class for the children, who have been introduced to instruments, beats, rhythms, tempos, costume, singing, dance, puppetry and movement. It’s definitely a holistic sensory experience with plenty of benefits for children’s musical ability, movement, language development and confidence.

To join a complimentary preview class or to find out more, visit the Wee Make Music website or email info@weemakemusic.com.au

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BabyBjorn Potty Chair

Posted by Diana on Tuesday May 1, 2012 Under Baby Furniture

Baby has been familiarising herself with her new BabyBjorn Potty Chair. Baby has practiced sitting on the Potty Chair before bath time and has let her soft toys have a turn too! The smooth lines and solid construction make the BabyBjorn Potty Chair very comfortable for Baby and ideal for toilet training.

We found toilet training a little tricky at first, so we decided to introduce reward stickers for Baby to adorn her new Potty Chair. It wasn’t long before Baby had her first successful pee on the Potty Chair! This was met with many cheers of “hooray, yippee” from Mum and Dad and of course a sticker for her to put on her BabyBjorn Potty Chair. The high back of the Potty Chair is now covered in a collage of stickers, each one marking her achievements to date.

The BabyBjorn Potty Chair has been ergonomically designed with a high back and arm rests. The arm rests allow Baby to maintain her balance when lowering onto the Potty Chair and allow her to push up on the arm rests when she is finished using the potty.

The Potty Chair has an inner potty which is easy to lift out and clean after use. While the main chair structure can simply be wiped down. The inner potty has a splashguard at the front to prevent any spills. As with all safe plastic products in the BabyBjorn range, the Potty Chair is made from recyclable plastic which is PVC-free and BPA-free.

The BabyBjorn Potty Chair is available in a wide spectrum of colours, including Bright Red, Grey and Snow White. We have the Potty Chair in Snow White, which matches our bathroom decor and makes an ideal canvas for Baby’s growing sticker collection!

In addition to the Potty Chair, the Bathroom Range features the BabyBjorn Smart Potty, Safe Step and Toilet Trainer too. To find out more on the full range of BabyBjorn Bathroom products visit the BabyBjorn website.

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Happy Easter from the Easter Bunny!

Posted by Diana on Thursday Apr 5, 2012 Under Uncategorized

Wishing Everyone a Happy Easter. We hope you and your whole family have a wonderful Easter break.

Best wishes from the team at Babyreview.com.au

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Natural Baby with Bambo Nature

Posted by Diana on Monday Mar 26, 2012 Under Baby grooming, Newborn

At 20 months old, Baby is becoming more interested in toilet training, nappy options and more confident in voicing her opinion on both!

In the evening she insists on a quick stint on her potty before her bath. Following her evening bath when she is fresh and clean she wears a nappy to bed. In the morning she will enthusiastically call out from her cot, in her loudest voice, to wear her “nappy pants”.

I’ve recently discovered Bambo Nature Eco Disposable Nappies which are comfortable, well fitting, highly absorbent and wonderful for overnight. The Bambo Nature disposable nappy features a breathable fabric feel top layer with a double leakage barrier, to keep Baby dry and a really absorbent core. The tabs on the nappy are velcro-style, and re-sealable. In addition, Bambo Nature nappies are made in Denmark and feature a biodegradable core, which is 75% biodegradable as opposed to 35% in standard nappies. The raw materials used to produce the nappy are certified free from harmful chemicals, are 100% free from chlorine, TBT, PVC and latex too!

Given Bambo Nature’s green credentials, I’m not surprised that Baby loves wearing a Bambo Nature nappy to bed and hasn’t experienced nappy rash since we’ve made the switch.

Bambo Nature Nappies are available for Babies to Toddlers in the following sizes:

  • Premature – from birth to around 3kg
  • Newborn – from birth to around 4kg
  • Mini – from approx 3.5kg to around 5kg
  • Midi – from 5kg to just under 9kg
  • Maxi – from around 8.5kg to around 13kg
  • Maxi Plus – from around 13kg
  • Junior and XL Plus – from around 15kg

After a comfortable nights sleep in her Bambo Nature Nappy (with no leakage) Baby springs into action in the morning and asks for “Ma Ma” first and her “Nappy Pants” second. It’s the Bambo Eco Disposable Training Pants she is calling out for when she requests her “Nappy Pants”. The Bambo Training Pants have been ideal for her transition from nappies to toilet training. To put on the Bambo training pants, I help Baby step into them and she pulls the training pants up all by herself. The training pants allow Baby to practice using the potty during the day without too much assistance from me.

The Bambo Eco Disposable Training Pants feature a highly absorbent core, stretchy feel for a good fit and cute styling with a picture of a seal in an aquatic scene. The Bambo Training Pants are very spacious back and front – perfect for both boys and girls. To take the nappy pants off, you simply tear each side and roll them up. There is no need to lie Baby down on a change table to take the pants off or even to put them on. They are simply amazing!

Keeping with the best eco-intentions in mind for Baby, I have adopted Jackson Reece Biodegradable Organic Baby Wipes. These wipes are thick, strong and are available in scented and unscented. I must admit I like the fresh smell of the Jackson Reece Biodegradable Scented Wipes. The scented wipes are infused with a blend of Tea Tree Oil, Aloe Vera and the aromatherapy of Lavender for soothing Baby’s precious bottom.Both the Jackson Reece Biodegradable Unscented Wipes and Scented Wipes have purified water as a key ingredient to prevent nappy rash. Both wipes are free from nasties, such as alcohol and chlorine. The wipes are made in the UK and specifically designed for children with sensitive skin. Jackson Reece make Flushable Biodegradable Organic Baby Wipes too. Which I’m sure we’ll use once we make our foray to the toilet!

To find out more on the range of eco-friendly Bambo Nature Nappies, Bambo Training Pants and Jackson Reece Baby Wipes visit www.ethman.com.au

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Brica Travel Accessories

Posted by Daisy on Monday Mar 5, 2012 Under Baby Travel

We have all heard that life is about the journey not just the destination, but I have found this a challenge to believe with a squirming, worming screaming toddler on my knee in Economy. If travelling with kids, I find it best to turn the journey into a fun adventure and to be seriously organised.

We have found the Maclaren Travel Accessories great to keep things organised, and have recently discovered the Brica Travel Range, which we are finding to be amazing to keep the whole family happy and my blood pressure at a reasonable level!

Fold-and-go Travel Booster: The Fold-and-go Travel Booster is a portable little seat that folds into a compact little bundle and unfolds in seconds. It has a 3-point harness, is strong and stable and straps onto a chair turning it into a portable highchair. We have found it really handy to keep in the car, incase of an impromptu visit to friends or a restaurant. Also the fabric is stain-resistant and easy to clean. It’s my favourite in the range.

2-in-1 Travel Tote: This is a staple for us on any long car trip. It hangs from the back of our front passenger seat and is filled with things that keep Toddler entertained. There are multiple pockets of different sizes and I find it really handy that some are zippered to secure things such as snacks, crayons and sunscreen. Also it is handy how the whole Travel Tote can be easily moved from car to stroller.

Clip-on Wipes: If like me you like to have baby wipes handy at all times, you will just love the Clip-on Wipes. It is a simple and attractive little pack that clips on almost anywhere. The main advantage of this is that I don’t have to continually reach into a pram or bag pocket to find the wipes. It is easy to open and closes tightly to help retain moisture. It includes 30 compact antimicrobial wipes of which you can get refills, however I have found the case can accommodate any sized wipe when folded.

Snack Pod: The Snack Pod is another winner. It is basically a little pod that can attach to any car seat or pram, which holds snacks and drinks within your child’s easy reach. The cup holder has non-slip inserts to accommodate most drink sizes and the snack cup is dishwasher safe. The Snack Pod has an adjustable knob, which makes installation quick and easy and requires no assembly.

Handy Hook: The Handy Hook is surprisingly strong and can keep your bag safe from potentially germy surfaces. It can hold anything such as your handbag or nappy bag and can hang from shopping trollies, public change tables or handles. It has no sharp edges making it child-friendly and to ensure it will not scratch any surfaces.

UV Alert Shade: This sunshade is clever. It sits patiently in its rolled up position, allowing Toddler to watch out his window until UV rays are present. It then alerts us by its colour indicator turning blue. It is easy to install and apparently fits most vehicles. It also has a push release button to automatically roll up the sunshade.

Overall we have found our Brica accessories help in keeping things neat and organised in everyday life as well as on long trips. These products are obviously thoroughly designed and well made.

For more information on any of the above products as well as the full range of Brica accessories, please visit CNP Brands.

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Ready for Baby with Tasman Eco

Posted by Diana on Monday Feb 20, 2012 Under Baby Furniture, Newborn

Getting organised and ready for the arrival of a new Baby is exciting for everyone. I believe the two essential items for a Nursery are a good quality Bassinet and Change Table. This satisfies Baby, whose early life routine includes; feeding, sleeping, nappy changing and then feeding, sleeping and nappy changing some more! My recommendation for these newborn essentials are the Tasman Eco Amore Bassinet and the Tasman Eco Turin Change Table.

The Tasman Eco Amore Bassinet is well constructed with a solid timber frame which has beautiful curved ends. The sides are made from a lovely, breathable,mesh fabric – which is fully washable. Not only is the bassinet easy to clean, it is very easy to move around and very safe. My favourite feature are the four castor lockable wheels. I’ve found the wheels handle well both on timber floor boards and carpet. It is so convenient to have a bassinet which is mobile, it means Baby can be with you, no matter where you are in your home and safe from movement when the wheels are locked.

The Amore Bassinet is spacious for Baby with the following dimensions: height 84cm, length 84.5cm and width 54.5cm. The inside bassinet measurements are: length 79cm and width 39cm. When Baby is big enough, an easy transition can be made to the Tasman Eco Siena Cot. The Tasman Eco Amore Bassinet is a fantastic choice for a newborn and is available in White, Latte and Mocha. Tasman Eco products are stained with 100% non-toxic finishes and paints to minimise common allergy triggers.

The Tasman Eco Turin Change Table is made from the same quality finished timber and is available in the same stylish colours. It is such a practical change table – it’s high sides protect even the most active baby from rolling off. There is no bar at the end, which means even the tallest of babies can be changed on this change table. The four wheels give you easy mobility and two brakes on the front wheels provide added safety.

The two shelves underneath provide ample space for accessible storage which allow you to organise Baby’s necessities. Baskets can be bought which fit perfectly on the shelves to organise baby’s clothes, lotions and potions. You’ll need to buy the Change Mat separately and the ideal size change mat is 79cm x 46.5cm for this Change Table. When fully assembled, this change table is 99.5cm high, 84.5cm long and 56.5cm wide. As with all Tasman Eco furniture, assembly can be done DIY or with the help of an Expert who can assemble the furniture for you.

The Tasman Eco Amore Bassinet and Turin Change Table compliment each other with elegant curves and lines. As Baby’s storage needs grow, you’ll find more great ideas for furniture on the Tasma Eco website.

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Oh my, Oishi-m funky threads for baby!

Posted by Diana on Thursday Jan 26, 2012 Under Baby Clothes, Baby presents

I’m always looking out for unique clothing for Baby, pieces which are as individual as Baby herself. As serendipity would have it, I found Oishi-m a clothing line sized from newborn through to busy little people designed in Jan Juc and made in Melbourne.

Oishi-m (pronounced Oy-she-em) incorporates kimono, vintage and retro fabrics together with denim and cotton, to create everything from sensational skinny jeans to show-stopping limited edition garments.

The first piece Baby tries on are the Oishi-m Skinny Jeans. These statement skinny jeans are beautifully crafted from denim and kimono fabrics. The skinny jeans include a gorgeous ‘Tummy Toastie’ an elasticised waist to fit Baby’s tummy to keep it warm and covered. The tummy toastie means that not only will these jeans accommodate growth in leg length, they will accommodate growth around Baby’s waist too!

The cutest feature of the skinny jeans is the ample nappy bottom space. In fact, the typical Baby silhouette which usually includes a bulge around Baby’s bottom is accentuated in a very practical, yet humorous way by the Oishi-m skinny jeans – the nappy bulge becomes a focal point created through the use of eye-catching kimono fabric with the Oishi-m logo. It’s individual, it’s cute and it’s good fun all at once!

There is definitely a Japanese flavour in the Oishi-m garment range. “Oishi” in Japanese means “yummy” and “m” is for the “mini-one”. The skinny jeans Baby is wearing are called ‘A Tad Tasty Skinny Jean’ and include a little longer leg length which is perfect for Baby who has long legs and tall is for her age. The cute leg cuffs can be rolled down as her little legs grow even longer! The oishi-m skinny jeans are suitable for both little girls and little boys.

For a truly girly garment, I couldn’t resist the ‘Bountiful Skirt’. This skirt beautifully features fabric panels of vintage floral, precious paisley and broderie anglaise. The stripy in-built knickers are super cute and the piece is completed with a signature tummy-toastie. Baby looks just as comfy and yummy in her Oishi-m skirt as she did in her skinny jeans!

To see the full range of Oishi-m’s garments for babies and toddlers visit: www.oishi-m.com

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“Great” Grandmother wins Maclaren Field Bag

Posted by Diana on Thursday Jan 19, 2012 Under Uncategorized

Barbara Fehmel is the first prize winner of the Maclaren Summer Bag promotion! The Great Grandmother submitted the following winning entry, “This summer I’ll be taking my Maclaren bag to give to my grand daughter for her twin girls”. We’re sure your Grand Daughter and Great Grand Daughters will be over the moon with the Maclaren Field Bag.

Renee Annison won second prize with her entry, “This summer I’ll be taking my Maclaren Bag to the after christmas sales and the beach, everywhere!!” Congratulations Renee we hope you fit all your baby needs and new purchases in your Maclaren Park Bag.

The third prize winner was Kirsty Gee with her entry, “This summer I’ll be taking my Maclaren bag to enjoy the great outdoors on lots of fun-filled adventures”. Congratulations Kirsty on winning a Maclaren Mini-Utility Tote we’re sure it will come in handy.

Thank you to everyone for your entries!


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